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Community Herbalism Seasonal Box

Community Herbalism is thriving and growing and I am excited to share that we are now offering Seasonal Community Herbalism Boxes. These boxes will help give our community herbalism days structure as well as support the health of our home, The Whole Life Learning Center. 


This is the perfect way to keep your medicine cabinet stocked with local organic seasonal herbal remedies. These boxes will be sent 4 times a year and be full of remedies and plant inspired creations that we create with our Commuity Herblists from the medicinal plants growing in the food forest. These boxes are a generous gift for yourself, friends and family and are sure to upgrade your home apothecary and self care routine.


Each box will contain 5-6 herbal preparations such as tincture blends, simple tinctures (single plant), oxymels, herbal tea, hydrosols, herb bundles, herbal oils, seeds and a description and reflection on what the food forest offered us that season.


10% of the sales from these boxes will be donated to our Whole Life Learning Center Foundation 501c3 to support our precious food forest and scholarship fund for our growing community. Proceeds of the sales of these boxes also support our always FREE Community Herbalism Days. 

Community Herbalism Seasonal Box

Excluding Sales Tax
Price Options
One-time purchase
Seasonal Herb Box
made with love by our Community Herbalists
$100.00every 3 months for 12 months

    © 2018 .


    Mutable Earth Botanicals 

    10801 Old San Antonio rd.

    Austin, Texas 78748

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    *The statements made on this site are not intended to treat or diagnose any disease and have not been evaluated by the FDA

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